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    much-hyped web darling.Wedbush’s Michael Pachter started

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    the shares at outperform with a $44 price target

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    . Reached by phone, Pachter said the firm made a

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    conscious decisions not to seek a piece of the IPO

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    action, in part so they could write about it,

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    and help the firm’s clients who have traded

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    Facebook shares in the private market.pre-IPO

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    report is “highly unusual,” Pachter acknowledged,

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    but said Wedbush has been active in the private

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    market for Facebook shares, and he’s been

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    covering the company for about a year.lapping the

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    $44 price target on Facebook shares, he said, is

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    one way to send the signal that the proposed $28-$35

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    range is “pretty silly.”There’s tons of mand in

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    the private market, he said, amid light supply.

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    Thefirm traded shares at $31 in January, Pachter said

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    and itgone straight up since then, traded at $44

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    most recently, and that’s with a six-month

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    lock-up period, he the firm’s clients who have traded 12’

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    ll may have to revisit his price target after the IPO

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    . It could go to $70 the first day.So, MarketBeaters,

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    what do you think? Does $44 sound about right

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    Feel free to cast Pachter said the firm made a

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    conscious decisions not to seek a piece of

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    the IPO action, in part so they could write about it, and help

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    he pointed out Pachter said 89


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